Legal Notices & Terms Of Use of Moneco Website

Effective as of December 15, 2023

Welcome to the Moneco Website accessible at the following address: (hereinafter referred to as "the Website").

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as the L.C.E.N., Users and visitors of the Moneco Website are informed of these Legal Notices. Access to and use of the Website are subject to these "Legal Notices" detailed below, as well as applicable laws and/or regulations. Connection, use, and access to this Website imply the complete and unconditional acceptance by the user of all the provisions of these Legal Notices.


In accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, this article specifies the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.

The Website belongs to Moneco:

  • Moneco France, 99 Avenue Achille Peretti 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
  • Email:
  • Registration Number (Kbis): 915 343 768 RCS Nanterre

The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief is Moneco France, and can be contacted at the email address

The Website is hosted by: Vercel Inc, whose registered office is located at 340 S Lemon Ave #4133 Walnut, CA 91789 and can be contacted by email at the following address:, hereinafter referred to as "the Host". Their European DPO can be contacted via this form or by writing to EDPO, Avenue Huart Hamoir 71, 1030 Brussels, Belgium.

"Users" are considered to be all Internet users who browse, read, view, and use the Moneco Website, including the Blog and Destination France.


The Website is accessible to Users 24/7, except in the case of scheduled or unscheduled interruptions for maintenance or in the event of force majeure. In the event of unavailability of the Website, Moneco undertakes to do its utmost to restore access. The Website cannot be held responsible for any damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from its unavailability.


The visuals (images, illustrations, photographs) are either created expressly for the Website by Moneco, or they are free of rights, or the photographic credit is always indicated.

Moneco is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds usage rights over all the content of the Website. Any violation of copyright is punishable under Article L.335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any reproduction (partial or total) of the content of the Website is prohibited.

Contact us by email at if you wish to use the content of the Website.


For more information, please consult our Moneco's Personal Data Protection Policy.

The personal information collected on the Website (name or pseudonym, email address and/or telephone number, IP address) is used to manage the Moneco website, manage the newsletter, register for our Destination tool, access offers from our affiliated partners as part of the Welcome Pack, or comment on our Blog, send a spontaneous application, or contact our Customer Support teams. User data is processed directly by Moneco, which undertakes never to transfer them to anyone in any way.

Each User has the right to access, rectify, the right to portability and the right to withdraw their consent, which they can exercise at any time by email or by post:

  • MONECO FRANCE, 99 Avenue Achille Peretti 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine


In the event that the User provides their telephone number, they have the possibility to register on the "Bloctel" list to oppose telemarketing, Bloctel.


For more information, please consult our Moneco Cookies Policy.


6.1 Moneco Website

The use of the Website implies the full and complete acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

The Website is provided to you on an "as is" basis and is accessible depending on its availability, with Moneco not being responsible for any transmission difficulties or network disruptions. Users are informed of the dates and times of intervention if any technical maintenance interruption is scheduled on the Website.

Moneco cannot be held responsible for any misuse made by Users of the content of the Website.

By browsing the Website, the User agrees to be redirected to partner websites, digital platforms, social networks or software (non-exhaustive list). Some of them allow for additional revenue generation but do not represent any additional cost to the user (affiliation).

Moneco strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information disseminated on its Website, for which it reserves the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, it cannot guarantee its completeness or absence of modification by a third party (virus, intrusion). Furthermore, it declines all responsibility in the event of an error or omission in this information.

Moneco does not in any way guarantee the quality and/or legality of content not created by Moneco, and disclaims all liability for any disputes, actions, or claims by third parties claiming, in particular and not limited to, proprietary rights over said content and/or its use.

No advice or information, whether oral and/or written and/or video, obtained by you during the use of the Website may create warranties and liabilities not expressly provided for.

The Website may provide or third parties may include links to other websites or other Internet sources, and to the extent that Moneco cannot fully control these external sites and sources, Moneco cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot be held liable for the content, accuracy, timeliness, quality, completeness, relevance, illegality, advertisements, products, services, or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. Furthermore, you acknowledge that Moneco cannot be held responsible for any proven or alleged damages or losses, consequential or otherwise, resulting from the use or reliance, in particular and not limited to, on the content, goods, or services available on these external sites or sources, through display, email transmission, or any other means. Confidentiality and integrity of information are not guaranteed on the Internet. Therefore, messages sent electronically may be intercepted and/or modified. Moneco disclaims all liability in this regard.

Moneco assumes that all sites mentioned here, either directly or indirectly as a hyperlink, are honest and ethical. However, Moneco has no relationship with the majority of these companies and no investigation has been conducted regarding them. Moreover, the information contained on this Website has been obtained from sources deemed reliable and extreme care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, Moneco cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information contained on this Website. The responsibility for the use of part or all of the information contained in this Website lies solely and entirely with the User.

6.2 Moneco Blog

The Moneco Blog is an integral part of the Website. The comments posted on the Moneco Blog are the responsibility of their authors. By writing comments on the Moneco Blog, the user is subject to French laws. The administrators of the Moneco Blog and the Website reserve the right to moderate, modify, or delete any comment.

6.3 Destination France

The Destination France tool is an integral part of the Website.

Its purpose is to guide the User through the administrative procedures for settling in France. Moneco has conducted in-depth research to provide information as accurate as possible. However, Moneco does not claim to offer legal advice, and this information should not be considered as such. The User understands that laws and regulations may vary depending on jurisdictions and that each situation is unique. Therefore, Moneco encourages the User to conduct their own research and consult a qualified lawyer for appropriate legal advice before making a decision or taking action. Moneco disclaims all liability for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in this information, as well as for any action or decision taken based on this information.

Access to the tool is free. Access to the full tool is limited without registration, in order to provide an overview of the tool's content.

To access the complete tool, the User is invited to provide their email address to create an account that will allow them to track their progress and keep a record of the steps they have completed. The User accepts these Terms and Conditions by registering on the tool and then receives a magic link in their inbox allowing them to access the full version of the tool.

The User also has the option, at registration, to give their consent for the use of their email and/or telephone number to receive communications from Moneco in accordance with our Moneco's Personal Data Protection Policy.

The User is informed that this is not spam but information about Moneco's offers and services, and that they can simply unsubscribe at any time.


These Legal Notices are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.

In case of a dispute, the French version of this document shall prevail.


For any report of illegal content or activities, the User can contact the Publisher at the following address:


  • or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt sent to the Publisher at: MONECO FRANCE, 99 Avenue Achille Peretti 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.

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